
Complete Predator Hunter by Mike Schoby - Softcover

Complete Predator Hunter by Mike Schoby - Softcover

Paperback – 256 pages Turn on your favorite outdoor broadcast these days and you're sure to hear something about predator hunting. As more states...
Coyote Hunting by Phil Simonski - Softcover

Coyote Hunting by Phil Simonski - Softcover

Now in a brand new, revised and updated edition, this is probably the most thorough "How-To-Do-It" book on coyote hunting ever written because in it...
Hunting The Hunters by Rick Kinmon - Softcover

Hunting The Hunters by Rick Kinmon - Softcover

Paperback - 256 pages, 109 graphics An Alaskan's Pursuit of North America's Most Valuable Predators is one of the most exciting reads about Alaska...
Mountain Lion Ghost Of Wilderness by James Mac McKee - SC

Mountain Lion Ghost Of Wilderness by James Mac McKee - SC

Paperback For several years James "Mac" McKee of Florida came to the wilds of Montana in pursuit of the ghost of the wilderness, the mountain lion,...
Predator Handbook by Phil Simonski - Softcover

Predator Handbook by Phil Simonski - Softcover

Paperback - 144 pages Phil Simonski's new book covers the most thorough and up-to-date information available on hunting a variety of predators,...
Wilderness Predators of the Rockies The Bond Between Predator...

Wilderness Predators of the Rockies The Bond Between Predator...

The Bond Between Predator and Prey by Mike Lapinski Paperback - 208 pagesWilderness Predators of the Rockies takes readers on an in-depth journey...


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