Shipping & Returns

Shipping time indicated is United States Postal Service estimates only. We may require a couple extra days to fill the order.

All our shipping is done via the United States Postal Service. We send an email to you confirm that your order has shipped. Tracking information is not provided at that time. We ask that you wait a week before contacting us regarding the whereabouts of the package. At that time, we will retrieve the tracking information and determine the status of your package.

Please do not return any merchandise until you have emailed us for authorization. We do not offer refunds on original shipping expenses. We are proud of the quality of the products we carry and guarantee all of them to be free of defects in materials and workmanship. All returned items must be in the same condition as when we shipped them. We will not refund for items that have been used, abused, or damaged by careless handling. All items must be returned within 30 days. Delivery confirmation is recommended.

International Shipping: You are responsible for paying all import duty, tax and fees which may be collected by your country when the parcel arrives. If the postal service of your country charges an additional collection fee if you are not at home to receive the parcel, you are also responsible for that. To avoid misunderstanding, we declare the exact purchase price as the value of the goods when completing the customs declaration. We will neither check e "gift" box nor under declare the value. We do not ship International First Class as there is no delivery confirmation or insurance available. Priority or Express are the only shipping options. Sorry but we have had too many losses. We also will not take phone orders for international orders. Due to the cost of shipping we do not want to risk a misunderstanding.


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